Roger Ailes Toads the Wet Sprocket

Rod Dreher linked to a bit in a profile of Fox News chief, Roger Ailes:

Ailes admits that he sometimes flies off the handle. This can happen pretty much anywhere. Not long ago, on a ball field near his place in Garrison, NY, his nephew accidentally hit a baseball through the window of a 2012 Prius parked in a church lot. The owners were Koreans who didn’t speak much English, and they were extremely agitated. “It’s just a damn window,” Ailes told them. “I’ll pay for the damn thing.”

The owner was indignant. “We pray, you curse,” he said.

“Fine,” said Ailes. “Then let’s pray over the fu**ing window. Maybe that’ll fix it.”

“It was a 10-minute incident that I turned into an hour,” Ailes said when he told me the story. “Hell, it’s lucky they didn’t recognize me. It could have turned into a go*damn international scandal. But I told them I was sorry ” He laughed. “Damn it, though, I was kind of glad that it was a Prius.”

Rod thought this made Ailes a lovable SOB. Now I think Dreher is one of the best minds out there (conservative or not) but here, your humble narrator respectfully disagrees. His commentariat generally took him to task for it as well.

In another circumstance, I might have been amused. Perhaps if the offended party were effete country club status queens.

But they were immigrants. They didn’t speak English well. They probably didn’t realize it was just a “fucking window”. Maybe in Korea, it isn’t just a “fucking window”.

They also probably didn’t realize their Prius was an object of ridicule (and liberals making the Prius into a status object is generally worthy of mockitude).

I’m glad that Ailes apologized and offered to fix the fucking window. I think I’d find him an amusing SOB regardless of his politics but this particular incident toads the wet sprocket.

