Three Dates, Five Dates. No Ring, Bling Bling.

Yesterday, while I was eating my lunch outside in Market Square, I overheard a conversation between a group of women. One of the ladies was remarking that the gentleman she’d been seeing had made “the move” on her. They’d been on “5 dates including one nice dinner” but this was apparently not enough to seal the deal. She was somewhat flabbergasted that he thought this was enough of a time investment.

Now I don’t really give a damn whether her standards should be considered appropriate or whether she’s leading this guy on or whether he’s a tool for waiting five dates. It’s her right to set her parameters. Heck, if she’s waiting for a ring, so be it.

What interested me more is that she then launched into a  discussion of whether it’s better that he was aggressive rather than passive.  On the one hand, the guy comes off looking like an asshole if he’s too assertive. But on the other hand, “being a gentleman” and waiting for her to signal her readiness or make her own move was also unacceptable.

I”m sorry – say what? I can’t see what exactly is the happy medium here. I don’t think there is one. I’m pretty sure that being a jerk is almost always going to be better than being a gentleman.

