London – Trip back to Pittsburgh & SF

Pgh.  I’m combining two entries into one because I’m so bloody tired of travel!  We got back from Granada around midnight, didn’t get back to my flat till around 1.30am, didn’t get to sleep till around 2.30am.  Then I had to get up at 7am to get to Gatwick to catch my flight to Pittsburgh.

Flying back to the ‘burgh was horrid.  I was stuck next to this blonde lady and her four bratty children.  I think she was a (failed) trophy wife of sorts.

She was very attractive but loooked as though she wasn’t cut out to be a mother.  Oh I know it’s tough to be a parent.  But she struck me as the type who married young for the money and/or to escape the responsibilities of having a job and because of the DeBeers-created fantasy world of the perfect marriage… and then bam! She’s got kids and no nanny.  May I’m wrong but I was sick and cranky so excuse my summary judgment.

Being home was great.  A nice, leisurely week with great weather.  It went by too quickly.  And then I’z back on a plane.  A slight reprieve.  Four days at work then back on a plane to SF for Simi’s graduation.

My little big sister finally did it.  Finally, she’s a daktar-sheib.  We stayed at Abeer’s friend Mary Patrick’s place, a beautifully remodeled townhouse outside Berkeley.  We threw a nice party on Saturday (Maher fall’d asleep).  The ‘rents came in on Sunday night.  Simi’s graduation was bloody hot!  The temperature wasn’t bad but the sun was out in full force.  We melted.  And then had Chinese food for dinner.

All in all, I’m still not terribly comfortable with San Francisco.  It’s easy enough to see why Simi & Ezra (and Abeer) still miss it.  It is fabulously pretty.  But there’s a liberality and a pristineness that is hard for Maher to adjust to.  Maher wants a bit of grime, a bit of dirrt and even though Oakland has somewhat of a reputation for being dirrty, I still don’t think it fits the bill.

